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Robert van der Veen [7]Robert J. van der Veen [6]
  1. A Capitalist Road to Communism.Robert J. van der Veen - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):635.
  2.  45
    Basic Income Experiments in the Netherlands?Robert van der Veen - 2019 - Basic Income Studies 14 (1).
    To many in the Netherlands it seems that basic income’s time has come, following the wide appeal of several municipal experiments. These random-control trial designs study the effects on employment, social participation, health and well-being of exempting social assistance claimants from the duties of seeking work and participating in training activities under the workfare-oriented Participation Act. In some treatment groups, claimants also retain a larger percentage of earnings, thereby reducing the poverty trap. These two design features resemble an unconditional basic (...)
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  3. Universal grants versus socialism: Reply to six critics.Robert J. Van Der Veen & Philippe Van Parijs - 1986 - Theory and Society 15 (5):723-757.
  4. Entitlement Theories of Justice: From Nozick to Roemer and Beyond.Robert J. van der Veen - 1985 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (1):69-81.
    In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick contrasts entitlement theories of justice and “traditional” theories such as Rawls', utilitarianism or egalitarianism, and advocates the former against the latter. What exactly is an entitlement theory of justice? Nozick's book offers two distinct characterizations. On the one hand, he explicitly describes “the general outlines of the entitlement theory” as maintaining “that the holdings of a person are just if he is entitled to them by the principles of justice in acquisition and transfer, (...)
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  5. Equality of talent resources: Procedures or outcomes?Robert van der Veen - 2002 - Ethics 113 (1):55-81.
  6. Basic income versus wage subsidies: Competing instruments in an optimal tax model with a maximin objective.Robert van der Veen - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):147-183.
    This article challenges the general thesis that an unconditional basic income, set at the highest sustainable level, is required for maximizing the income-leisure opportunities of the least advantaged, when income varies according to the responsible factor of labor input. In a linear optimal taxation model (of a type suggested by Vandenbroucke 2001) in which opportunities depend only on individual productivity, adding the instrument of a uniform wage subsidy generates an array of undominated policies besides the basic income maximizing policy, including (...)
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    Debate: Real freedom and basic income: Comment on Brian Barry.Robert J. Van Der Veen - 1997 - Journal of Political Philosophy 5 (3):274–286.
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    Justice as fairness and bad luck.Robert van der Veen - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (3):253-268.
    One major way of arguing for the moral attractiveness of luck egalitarianism is indirect; it consists in showing that the view follows from competing views on distributive justice which one actually endorses. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (KLR) claims that luck egalitarianism is indirectly supported in this way by Rawls’s intuitive argument for the difference principle. That argument begins by asserting that the impact of social and natural contingencies on distributive shares is unjust. After clarifying the notion of indirect support, I argue against (...)
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    Limiting the scope of the weighting model: a reply to David Miller.Robert van der Veen - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (4):549-559.
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    Principes voor een duurzame politiek.Robert van der Veen - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (1):22-29.
    Politiek gaat over het verenigen van gemeenschappelijke en conflicterende belangen in bindende collectieve besluitvorming op een wijze die door winnaars en verliezers kan worden aanvaard. In dit artikel baseer ik mij op het politiek gezaghebbende duurzaamheidsconcept van de Brundtlandcommissie in Our Common Future: ‘Duurzame ontwikkeling is ontwikkeling die tegemoetkomt aan de behoeften in het heden zonder de mogelijkheid van toekomstige generaties om te voorzien in hun eigen behoeften in de weg te staan’ . Dan blijkt direct dat het vinden van (...)
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    Teorías intitulacionistas de la justicia. De Nozick a Roemer y más allá.Robert Van Der Veen & Philippe Van Parijs - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):249-265.
    "Entitlement theories of justice: From Nozick to Roemer and beyond", Economics and philosophy 1/1 : 69-81.
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    The Marxian Ideal of Freedom and the Problem of Justice.Robert J. van der Veen - 1984 - Philosophica 34.
  13. Unqualified justice theories. From Nozick to Roemer and beyond.Robert J. Van Der Veen & Philippe Van Parijs - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):250-265.
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